Gouache painting from another siamese cat, Mario
365 Project, Today's drawing 14/365
Daily drawing, in this case more like a watercolor "painting"
#IFDrawAWeek5 #ifdrawaweek Theme of this week is Draw your pet.
#IFDrawAWeek5 #ifdrawaweek Theme of this week is Draw your pet.
Since I don't have one, I took the liberty to borrow my friends @manumessimario cat,
meaning, one of them :D
Struggle with watercolors and watercolor pencils, pretty hard, another new thing to take for my learning course.
Nevertheless, this cat has so magnificent facial expressions and lovely huge ears that it was a pleasure to paint him anyway :) Maybe I'll paint or draw his brothers also, you'll never know ;)
Nevertheless, this cat has so magnificent facial expressions and lovely huge ears that it was a pleasure to paint him anyway :) Maybe I'll paint or draw his brothers also, you'll never know ;)
Photo reference: Johanna Salmi, owner of these three siamese cat.
Taisteltu vesiväreillä ja vesivärikynillä...(huhhuh, ihailen niitä jotka tuon tekniikan hallitsevat)
Eli, muotokuvassa kuuluisa Seinäjokelainen kissa emäntänsä ottamasta kuvasta maalattuna.
365 Project, Today's drawing 13/365
New medium to try.
Getting to know Gouache paints and painting technique. I have never been able to paint nothing bearable with watercolors or similar paint. So, I decided to turn new page and give it a chance.
This feels nice, a matter of fact, pretty rousing.
Although, my brush technique sucks for the moment :)
Todays images I have painted by taking class:
Drawing and Illustration Basics
Taught by Heather Ross
by creativebug
Kokeilussa uusi maalaus tekniikka, guassi värit.
En koskaan ole tullut toimeen vesivärien yms. kanssa joten päättelin ottaa härkää sarvista ja katsoa onko minusta "akvarellistiksi". Nämä guassit ainakin tuntuvat ihan kivoilta, ja tietysti niiden peitto ominaisuus helpottaa joltisenkin työskentelyä. Tosin, sivellintekniikkani on kyllä aivan surkea.
Varsinaisten vesivärien kanssa asia on varmasti ihan toinen, niitä täytyy katsoa sitten myöhemmin.
Päivän kuvat ovat creativebug:in kurssin, Drawing and Illustration Basics
Taught by Heather Ross, harjoitustehtäviä.
Getting to know Gouache paints and painting technique. I have never been able to paint nothing bearable with watercolors or similar paint. So, I decided to turn new page and give it a chance.
This feels nice, a matter of fact, pretty rousing.
Although, my brush technique sucks for the moment :)
Todays images I have painted by taking class:
Drawing and Illustration Basics
Taught by Heather Ross
by creativebug
Kokeilussa uusi maalaus tekniikka, guassi värit.
En koskaan ole tullut toimeen vesivärien yms. kanssa joten päättelin ottaa härkää sarvista ja katsoa onko minusta "akvarellistiksi". Nämä guassit ainakin tuntuvat ihan kivoilta, ja tietysti niiden peitto ominaisuus helpottaa joltisenkin työskentelyä. Tosin, sivellintekniikkani on kyllä aivan surkea.
Varsinaisten vesivärien kanssa asia on varmasti ihan toinen, niitä täytyy katsoa sitten myöhemmin.
Päivän kuvat ovat creativebug:in kurssin, Drawing and Illustration Basics
Taught by Heather Ross, harjoitustehtäviä.
365 Project, Today's drawing 12/365
Todays subject, Red heels.
Digital painting with Tablet.
One of the features which I like in digital painting is that you don't have to clean all brushes, cups and palette afterwards. And that huge advantage of Ctrl+z :) (or undo if using tablet).
But of course it doesn't give you the organic feel of "real" medium, no smell and almost nothing to feel with your fingers.
Somehow my end results are also too clinical, but that, I believe is solved by practising more and developing my own visual skills.
Software Corel Painter for Android, Samsung Note 10,1 with s-pen.
Yksi mukavista ominaisuuksista digitaalisessa maalauksessa on, että sinun ei tarvitse puhdistaa kaikkia välineitä jälkeenpäin. Sekä Ctrl + z näppäinyhdistelmä :) (tai peruuttaa, jos käyttää tablettia).
Mutta, tietenkään se ei anna samaa orgaanista tuntumaa kuin "oikeat" tekniikat, ei hajua ja eikä lähes minkäänlaista sormien kautta välittyvää tuntumaa.
Jotenkin lopputulokset ovat myös liian siloteltuja, mutta luulisin että ratkaisu on harjoitella tekniikoita enemmän ja kehittää omaa visuaalista osaamista kuvan tekemisessä noin yleensäkkin.
Digital painting with Tablet.
One of the features which I like in digital painting is that you don't have to clean all brushes, cups and palette afterwards. And that huge advantage of Ctrl+z :) (or undo if using tablet).
But of course it doesn't give you the organic feel of "real" medium, no smell and almost nothing to feel with your fingers.
Somehow my end results are also too clinical, but that, I believe is solved by practising more and developing my own visual skills.
Software Corel Painter for Android, Samsung Note 10,1 with s-pen.
Yksi mukavista ominaisuuksista digitaalisessa maalauksessa on, että sinun ei tarvitse puhdistaa kaikkia välineitä jälkeenpäin. Sekä Ctrl + z näppäinyhdistelmä :) (tai peruuttaa, jos käyttää tablettia).
Mutta, tietenkään se ei anna samaa orgaanista tuntumaa kuin "oikeat" tekniikat, ei hajua ja eikä lähes minkäänlaista sormien kautta välittyvää tuntumaa.
Jotenkin lopputulokset ovat myös liian siloteltuja, mutta luulisin että ratkaisu on harjoitella tekniikoita enemmän ja kehittää omaa visuaalista osaamista kuvan tekemisessä noin yleensäkkin.
365 Project, Today's drawing 11/365
Todays drawing combines two challenges.
My day 11/365 drawing challenge and Creativelive project, 28 To Make, day 23, Make Your Marker, together.
I drew with ink which is new experience to me, and my "marker" was found on my yard last summer. Beginning was bit difficult, but I managed to find some possibilities of how to use feather as a drawing tool. Very rewarding experiment :)
Päivän piirustus yhdistää kaksi haastetta. Oman päivä 11/365 piirustushaasteen ja Creativelive projektin, 28 To Make, päivä 23, Make Your Marker.
Piirsin musteella, joka on uusi kokemus minulle, ja minun "markkeri" löytyi pihalta viime kesänä. Alku oli hieman vaikeaa, mutta löysin kuitenkin muutamia tapoja käyttää sulkaa kuin piirtimenä. Erittäin antoisa kokeilu :)
My day 11/365 drawing challenge and Creativelive project, 28 To Make, day 23, Make Your Marker, together.
I drew with ink which is new experience to me, and my "marker" was found on my yard last summer. Beginning was bit difficult, but I managed to find some possibilities of how to use feather as a drawing tool. Very rewarding experiment :)
Päivän piirustus yhdistää kaksi haastetta. Oman päivä 11/365 piirustushaasteen ja Creativelive projektin, 28 To Make, päivä 23, Make Your Marker.
Piirsin musteella, joka on uusi kokemus minulle, ja minun "markkeri" löytyi pihalta viime kesänä. Alku oli hieman vaikeaa, mutta löysin kuitenkin muutamia tapoja käyttää sulkaa kuin piirtimenä. Erittäin antoisa kokeilu :)
365 Project, Today's drawing 10/365
What lies on my table.
Digital quick color sketch with Tablet today.
Software Corel Painter for Android, Samsung Note 10,1 with s-pen.
Digital quick color sketch with Tablet today.
Software Corel Painter for Android, Samsung Note 10,1 with s-pen.
365 Project, Today's drawing 8/365
It seems that I have lots of old favorite shoes which I have preserved,
even though, they are not anymore in professedly presentable condition.
Graphite drawing, Blue Womens Heels with button decoration.
even though, they are not anymore in professedly presentable condition.
Graphite drawing, Blue Womens Heels with button decoration.
Good Excuse?
No drawings finished today.
Instead, I used my time wisely, went out to photograph Aurora Borealis after a long time :)
Instead, I used my time wisely, went out to photograph Aurora Borealis after a long time :)
365 Project, Today's drawing 5/365
"Punk rock" black leather buckle shoes
Back at 80's there was a shop called Dekadenz, which sold all kind of rock, punk, gothic etc. stuff.
I always browsed their catalog of shoes, but at that time when I was young I couldn't afford to buy any.
Some decades later I found these from one flea market. Just had to get them :)
I always browsed their catalog of shoes, but at that time when I was young I couldn't afford to buy any.
Some decades later I found these from one flea market. Just had to get them :)
Dekadenz YouTube video
365 Project, Today's drawing 4/365
365 Project, Today's drawing 3/365
More shoes!
These were my favorites at early 80's. That is the reason why I have saved them, even though they are not wearable anymore.
Oswald's black patent leather high-heels, now in a bit sad condition.
These were my favorites at early 80's. That is the reason why I have saved them, even though they are not wearable anymore.
Oswald's black patent leather high-heels, now in a bit sad condition.
365 Project, Today's drawing 2/365
Second day of drawing challenge. Found another shoes to draw.
This is my Mil-Tec Swat shoe, and man's best friend, wool sock.
This is my Mil-Tec Swat shoe, and man's best friend, wool sock.
Starting 365 Project, Drawing in a day
I found several lists of drawing subjects from the internet. They'll be good help because I know that the day comes when my head is blank, there is nothing to draw, and have not even a single idea. While waiting for that, I figured to start with drawing some shoes.
The meaning of this project to me, is to practice different types of drawing methods and subjects and learn to observe my surroundings better.
1/365 Women's shoe, Graphite pen
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